Sunday, October 13, 2013

Be the change you want to see in this world.

Be the change you want to see in this world. Many have said it and it is true and powerful. Another saying that comes to mind is ' give me the grace to change that which I can and to leave that that I cannot change.' or something along those lines.

Both quotes are empowering and help reduce the stress, anxiety and hopelessness one can easily feel when they think of all the things that are wrong in the world. I often feel like so much needs to be changed. There is so much injustice, unhappiness and cruelty in the world. So much greed and suffering and stupidity. How to fix it? How to stop it? What can I do? Will anyone listen to me? Can I make any difference? And there seems to be such a great sense of urgency at the moment, with climate change, deforestation, running out of resources, destruction of the environment. This urgency just makes it harder to live happily when you see so much that is wrong and so little being done to correct the situation. Watching people live in denial, living like we can maintain our taxing lifestyles, is also hard and frustrating.

So be the change you want to see in the world because you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink. There is no point in trying to make people change. They wont until they themselves see what is wrong with the way they live. Others wont change until they see that it is possible or that everyone else is doing it. It's sad but that's the way it is. So be the change you want to see, be inspiring, an example of what you wish we could all be like. And even if others are not inspired, do not change their ways, then at least you can look at what you have done and know that you did your best and that you have taken the steps towards being responsible for your life and your impact on the world. 

Never say I can't. Say how can I...? Things are always possible, the path may be a lot different than what you initially foresaw or expected. There's a great children's book, "We're going on a Bear Hunt". When you can't go under it, cant go around it, you go through it! When you cant go though it, can't go over it, you may be able to go under it. I'm pretty sure that if you can think of it, someone, somewhere in the world has done it or is also working towards the same goal. Look them up, ask questions, swap ideas, remember two minds are better than one and life is too short to make all the mistakes yourself. Learn from others. Search. I find the searching just as satisfying as the doing and the accomplishing.

So remember ...
Be the change you want to see in the world!